
Lumos,thewand-lightingcharm,illuminatestheendofthewizard'swand.AsaGoogleAssistantcommand,itturnsontheflashlightfunction, ...,評分4.5(26)·免費·AndroidDownloadtheAPKofHarryPotter:MagicAwakened™forAndroidforfree.ExploreHogwartsandcastspellsinanimmersivewizardingadventure.HarryPotter:.,評分4.2(63)·免費·AndroidHarryPotter:MagicAwakenedisagamethatmixesrole-playingandcardstotransportyoutothemagicalun...

19 Harry Potter Spells Your Android Phone Can Cast Using Google ...

Lumos, the wand-lighting charm, illuminates the end of the wizard's wand. As a Google Assistant command, it turns on the flashlight function, ...

Download the APK ... - Harry Potter

評分 4.5 (26) · 免費 · Android Download the APK of Harry Potter: Magic Awakened™ for Android for free. Explore Hogwarts and cast spells in an immersive wizarding adventure. Harry Potter:.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened for Android

評分 4.2 (63) · 免費 · Android Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is a game that mixes role-playing and cards to transport you to the magical universe of Harry Potter.


評分 3.7 (22,075) · 免費 · Android 《哈利波特》官方授權手遊《哈利波特:魔法覺醒》,邀你重返霍格華茲,書寫屬於你的魔法世界新篇章! 你將成為一名霍格華茲新生,實現期待已久的魔法夢想。

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

評分 4.6 (2,908,398) · 免費 · Android Start your very own adventure in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery—an exciting role-playing game full of spells, romance, magical creatures, interactive stories, ...

Harry Potter spells you can cast with your smartphone

Here's a little surprise for you on Harry Potter's birthday. Conjure up Google Assistant or Siri and try these voice commands on your smartphone.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, combines Hogwarts school life, exploration of the Forbidden Forest, Quidditch tournaments, magical showdowns and much more.

Magic Awakened Gameplay Android iOS (Global Launch)

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened by NETEASE (iOS/Android) ▻▻▻ SUBSCRIBE PROAPK FOR MORE GAMES : ◅◅◅ DOWNLOAD LINK App ...


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Android疑難排解步驟— Harry Potter

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